ocr: Dec.9, Dec. 14, OCL6,1973 1987 1988 Egypt and Syria HALFA GENTURY OFHATE Palestinians in Arafata accepts attack Isracl on the Gaza Strip Israelsright to Yom Kippur. (1973-1 1988) and the West exist. and the Israclt takest the Suez Canal.An Bank begin an U.S. opensa Arab-Israeli ongoing upris- dialogue with peace: conterence: ing (inttadeh) thw PLO. inDecember and against Isracli Henry Kissinger's occupation. shuttle diplomacy Egyptian President result in Israel's withdraw: from Anwar Sadat goes the Suez Canal. to. Jerusalem. 2es une. à 978 982 Negotiations at Israclinvades Camp David lay Lehan ...